The Tree of Heaven, sounds like a wonderful tree, right? Wrong...
Although its name is deceiving, this tree's foul odor and invasive nature will leave you wishing you had never come near it. Although it is Native to an area from China, going South to Australia, it was brought to the United States in the late 1700's as a specimen and shade tree.
That's right, WE brought it here.
We might now be regretting that decision, not only because of the bad smell, because it happens to be the favorite tree of the Spotted Lanternflies, bothersome insects that feed on certain kinds of fruit trees.
This invasive tree can spread very quickly, and when I say very... I mean it. There are hundreds of thousands of seeds per tree!These trees are simply determined to spread.
This plant can be found in many different places in America and it can grow up to 80 feet or more! That’s huge!
This plant does have it’s good side, for example, The bark from this tree can be used in medicine. Before, it was only used in folk medicine (carrying around crystals to keep away sickness and the Honeysuckle Freckle remedy to name a few) but now, it is used in some modern medicine for cramps, diarrhea, epilepsy, tapeworms, fast heart rates, and malaria, as well as others.
So, as you see this plant is both a tree of Heaven and of Hell. It has its good side and it’s down comings.
However, America has pretty much had enough of this bothersome tree. From attracting annoying, pesky insects to spreading way too quickly, we are just sick of this stinking tree (pun not intended;)
See how many of these invasive trees have moved into your area, you can find pictures online to help you identify them.
Happy Learning!
Pure Discovery